Transitioning Back to School

Transitioning Back to School

August means back to school for many of us.  Transitioning back to school can cause frustration when trying to get back on a schedule. Epicenter ABA is here to help with these transitions.  Read on for some helpful tips to get your family ready and adjust to the school year easier.

Involve kids in routine changes.

Sit down with your kids before the first day of school and go over the new plan. Review the morning steps and what their expectations are before and after school. If you have time, practice this routine! Practice will help make the first couple of days smoother.

Give choices where you can.

Choices can help reduce stress when working on a new transition. Allow your child to choose what to pack for lunch or what outfit to where to school. This can help your child feel in control of the changes and help them get excited.

Make a visual.

If visuals are helpful for your child, make some ahead of time. Visuals can help build independence and set expectations when working on new skills. The biggest mistakes with visuals is not using them! Make sure to have them out and ready for the day.

Plan ahead!

Do what you can ahead of time! Nothing makes a transition more stressful than being under prepared. Pack lunches, snacks, and backpacks the night before. Have clothes ready to go and any visuals set up to help build independence. The more you plan before, the less stressful the day of will be.
Want More Tips?
Ask your BCBA for additional ideas, and tips specific to your child.

If you have concerns that your child has autism, contact your primary care physician.  If you are looking for Applied Behavior Therapy, complete the  Epicenter ABA Therapy intake form.

To learn more about Autism click to join Epicenter’s Understanding Autism Training Course. We also offer many other  trainings related to Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis Training. Our next training in the series is Understanding Autism vs Anxiety
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